How can I FaceTime with TD Talk?

février 11, 2022

FaceTiming with TD Talk is fairly simple, but first you'll need to make sure you are using an iPadiOS voice rather than an Acapela voice.  A list of the voices that can be used can be found if you search the knowledgebase for "What voices can I use in TD Talk that will work with Facetime?".

  1. Once you are using one of the correct voices, if TD Talk is not already started, start TD Talk.
  2. Bring up the off-screen menu and choose the AssistiveTouch button in order to start AssistiveTouch
  3. Choose Home from the AssistiveTouch menu
  4. Start FaceTime
  5. If this is your first FaceTime call, choose New FaceTime; otherwise select the contact you want to call from the previously called list on the left and skip to step 8.
  6. Select the + sign if you want to call someone from your contacts or type in the phone number of the individual you want to FaceTime and hit return.
  7. Select FaceTime to begin the call
  8. From the AssistiveTouch menu select App Switcher
  9. Choose TD Talk
  10. The FaceTime window will appear in the corner of the screen so you can see who is speaking as you type in TD Talk.