How do I connect my iPhone to TD Phone?

décembre 05, 2022

iPhone Connection Instructions

Step Where to Do Step What to Do
1 TD Phone Enter TD Phone Settings
2 TD Phone Select the Openbutton under Device
3 TD Phone

Confirm that your I-Series Bluetooth is ON in this panel then continue.  If Bluetooth is of, use instructions in FAQs at the end of this document.


4 Your iPhone

Change Auto-Lock on your iPhone to Never.
Select Settings> Display & Brightness > Auto-Lock > Never.
This keeps the screen unlocked as required by the connection process.  We will remind you to return the setting to your preferred time at the end of the connection process.


5 Your iPhone Open the Bluetooth Settings page on your mobile phone. 
Settings> Bluetooth
6 Your iPhone Make sure Bluetooth is ON.
Keep the Bluetooth settings page show above visible on your iPhone.  Do NOT lose this page or allow your iPhone to lock.
7 TD Phone Select Scanin TD Phone
8 TD Phone Select Assistant Ready
9 TD Phone Select the image.png next to the name of your iPhone.
10 TD Phone and Your iPhone Select Acceptin TD Phone AND Pairon the mobile phone when they appear.
image.png image.png
You will likely see another pop-up in TD Phone at this time.  Do not make any selections yet.
11 Your iPhone Select the image.png next to your I-13 or I-16's name.
Do NOT select the text of the device name or it will unpair.
12 Your iPhone Be sure you are seeing the Bluetooth info page for your device on your iPhone.
Keep the Bluetooth info page for your device shown above visible on your iPhone.  Do NOT close this page or allow your iPhone to lock until the end of the connection process.
13 TD Phone Select Connectin TD Phone.
Connection in TD Phone will stop at Messaging because the necessary permission is not yet available in your iPhone.
You will turn them on as they become available in the next few steps.
14 Your iPhone Turn on Show Notifications on your iPhone when it appears.
15 TD Phone Select Retryin TD Phone.
Connection will succeed but contacts will not transfer because the necessary permission is not yet available in your iPhone.
You will turn them on as they become available in the next few steps.
16 Your iPhone Turn on Sync Contacts on your iPhone.
17 TD Phone Select Update Contacts in TD Phone.
Transfer of contacts may take some time depending on how many you have.
18 TD Phone When transfer is complete, select Closeimage.png to close Settings and start using TD Phone.
19 Your iPhone Return your iPhone's Auto-Lock to your preferred time (typical default = 30 seconds).
Select Settings> Display & Brightness > Auto-Lock > your preferred time.


How do I turn Bluetooth ON in my I-Series (not iPhone)?

TD Phone tells you whether your I-Series Bluetooth is on or off.  See steps 2-4 of the connection instructions for iPhone.  If Bluetooth is OFF in your I-Series, use the instructions below to turn it on.
  1. Exit TD Phone (Open the Off Screen Menu > select Dashboard, then select Exit).
  2. Turn I-Series Bluetooth ON(Notifications > Bluetooth).  It may be in a different location in your notifications.
  3. Restart connection instructions for your iPhone.
*Note:  The image depicts how Bluetooth looks when ON.  Yours may or may not list any Connections.