How to configure Hotmail,, and Live Email for Communicator 5

mai 13, 2020

Setting up Hotmail/Outlook/Live email in communicator

1.    Select the Email pageset on the home page in Communicator 5.
2.    Select Settings on the top right of the Email page. Select Yes to the warning. 
3.    An Email Settings dialog box will appear.  Select New.  A New Account dialog box will appear. 
4.    Select Hotmail, Outlook, Live.
New Account
5.    Select Next.
6.    Name the account. (You can use the tab key to jump to the next field).
7.    Enter your email address in the E-mail box.
8.    Select Next.
9.    A box will appear, Select Microsoft
10.  A web browser will open where you need to enter your mail password, enter your password and select Sign in
Email Password
11.  You may get a prompt asking you to let this app access your information.  Not everyone receives this message so if you do not see it, skip to the next step.  If you do see it, choose Accept.
12.  You should receive a screen saying; authentication completed, you can close this page and return to Communicator 5
13.  Close the page
14.  Now when you select Send/Receive your emails will begin to download.  If you have more than 200 emails in your Inbox you may need to select Send/Receive multiple times before all the emails get downloaded.