Stroke & Brain Injury Persona Pageset - How to Copy a Topic Keeping the Same Messages

juillet 27, 2016

This can be useful when the individual has difficulty applying one topic to many situations such as the same restaurant picture to any restaurant, the same doctor picture for all physicians or the same playground picture for all playgrounds.
You will be able to change the topic picture and move/resize/hide/add/delete hotspots or tabs in the copy without affecting those in the original topic.  However, any additions/deletions/edits to messages will affect both the original topic and the copy. 
If you’d like to edit messages in the copy without it affecting the original topic, go to the
How to Make a Copy of the Data section of the article, How to Create a Topic That is Similar and Customizable.

1.  Select the Settings button.  kA1G00000008uBnKAI_en_US_1_0

2.  Select Page Browser.
3.  Navigate to Topics. Use the Up arrow  kA1G00000008uBnKAI_en_US_1_1  to move up through the levels.

4.  Select the Manage button at the top right corner of the screen.

5.  Select the folder for the topic you want to copy. Then select the Copy Tobutton.


6.  Select the green Selectbutton at the top right corner of the screen.  kA1G00000008uBnKAI_en_US_1_3

7.  When you see the Copy Complete message, select OK.

Renaming the Copied Folder

The following steps are optional to rename the copied folder.  This will help you distinguish this folder from the original. 

If you would prefer to skip these steps and allow the folder to keep its default name, [Original Name] Copy, select Done, and continue to Setting the Name of the Topic in the Navigation Bar(below).
1.  With the new folder still selected, select the Rename button on the button bar.  kA1G00000008uBnKAI_en_US_1_4

2.  Type a unique name for the folder to distinguish it from the original.

3.  Select OK.

4.  Select Done.

Setting the Name of the Topic in the Navigation Bar

The following steps are optional to set the name of the topic you will see in the Navigation Bar.

If you would prefer to skip these steps and allow the name of the topic in the Navigation Bar to keep its default name, [Original Name] Copy, select Back until you return to your Main Page.

1.  Select the newly-created folder to open it.

2.  Select the Visual Scene folder.
3.  Select the Manage button at the top right corner of the screen.  kA1G00000008uBnKAI_en_US_1_7

4.  Select the page in the Visual Scene folder.
5.  Select the Rename button on the button bar.  kA1G00000008uBnKAI_en_US_1_9

6.  Type the label you want to see in the Navigation Bar.  Use all capital letters to be consistent with the other labels.
(If you renamed the label, use the same name here.)

7.  Select OK.

8.  Select Done. Then select Backuntil you are on your Main Page.

Assigning a New Topic to the NavBar

1.  Open the Levels menu.
2.  Select Topics.

3.  Select the Select Topics from Library button.

4.  Select the Manage button at the top right corner of the screen.  kA1G00000008uBnKAI_en_US_1_12

5.  Select New Page.

6.  Navigate to the NavBar Pageset.
7.  Select Topics.

8.  Select your new folder.
9.  Select Visual Scene. (Select the page, and you will see a blue check mark.)
11.  Select the green Select button at the top right corner of the screen.

12.  Scroll to the bottom of your list of topics. You will find your new topic already selected.
Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to place your new topic where you want it in your list of topics.
13.  Select Done.

14.  Select Back.

15.  Select Save.

16.  Select Done.

Your new topic should appear on the NavBar.  Edit it as you would any other topic.  Remember that any changes you make in the vocabulary messages will affect both this topic and the original.