Boardmaker Student Center iPad app: set up and use

octobre 01, 2018

Your Boardmaker Online subscription includes access to the Boardmaker Student Center App. This app will allow you and the students associated with your account to access Boardmaker activities on the iPad. There is no additional cost for the app and it is available for download on the Apple iTunes Store. Search for the app and download it on any iPads that will be used to play Boardmaker activities.

This tutorial will cover the following topics:

  • Setting up the Student Center App on the iPad
  • Navigating the Student Center App
  • Playing Activities
  • User settings (access methods, voice settings, etc.)
  • Student access to activities at home on the iPad
Note:You must first have an iTunes account to download the Student Center app onto your iPad. For more information, go to

To set up the Student Center App on the iPad:

  • On your computer, log into Boardmaker Online to get your account number. You will need the account number to set up the iPad. Your Account ID is displayed on your home page.
Note: If you have a personal or professional Boardmaker Online account, the account number is unique to you. If you have a district account, all instructors within the account share the same account number.
  • On the iPad, Select the Student Center App.
  • Select Next to Connect to your Boardmaker Online Account.
Note: Check out Free Stuff to see activities and games included with the app.
  • Enter your Boardmaker Online Account ID in the text field, and Select Next.
  • On the “Who are you?”page, choose either Student/Child or Instructor/Parent. Choose the option that best describes the person who will be using the iPad.
Note:You may log out of the App and make a different selection when you open the App again. You will not have to enter the Account ID again.
  • If you choose Instructor/Parent, you will then enter your Boardmaker Online User Name and Password. You will then see the Classroom View screen (Professional and District accounts).
  • Select yourself to access the activities you have added to your playlist.
  1. Classroom button takes you back to Classroom view.
  2. Refresh button reloads the content of the page.
    Note:Select Refresh any time you add activities to your playlist in your Boardmaker Online Account.
  3. Options button provides access to User Settings and Log out screens.
  4. Select any activity to launch it in Play mode.
  • From Classroom View, Select any student to access activities in their assignment list.
  • If instead of Instructor/Parent, you select Student/Child on the Who Are You Screen, you will be prompted to enter the Student ID and password, and will access activities in the student’s assignment list.
    • Note: You may select the Classroom button to return to My Classroom View but you will need to enter your instructor password.

Playing activities on the iPad

  • Activities must be assigned to a student for them to appear in the student’s assignment list on the iPad. For more information about assigning activities to students, please see the section called Assigning Activities in the Getting Started Guide.  
    • > Getting Started > Choose the Guide appropriate to your account type.
    • Note: Both PRINT and INTERACTIVE boards and activities can be assigned to a student. Print activities will have large forward and backward arrows along the sides for navigation between pages.
  • Select an activity to launch in play mode, either on the student’s activity page or from the instructors Playlist.
  • In order for performance information to be captured, students must select the Exit button at the end of each activity. Their assignment list will then be available and they can then choose another activity.
Note: If you need to access the toolbar while a student is playing an activity, select the >> button in the upper left corner of the activity. To close it, select the << button that will show on the right when the toolbar is open.

User Settings

From within the Student Center App, you can make changes to the access method, voice settings and interface setting.
  • Select Options menu (cog) and then User Settings
  • To view or change Access method, Select the Access Method button.
  • Choose the radio button next to the desired access method.
  • If scanning is selected, Select Settings to set specific scan settings.
  • Select Done when complete.
  • To view or change Voice settings Select Text to Speech from the Tools menu.
  • Make any selections desired and use the toggles to set volume and rate of speech.
  • Select Done when complete.
  • To view or change General and Message Window settings, Select Interface Settings from the Tools menu.
  • Under General, make selections as desired. To keep students from accessing Settings, you can either Hide the Toolbar or Require a Password for access.
  • Select the Message Window tab within Interface Settings to make desired settings for the message window.

Parent Access to the Student Center iPad App

If you have a Professional or District Boardmaker Online Account, any of the students assigned to your account will be able to download and use the Student Center App on a personal iPad, at home or at school. You must share your district Account ID and student login information with the student.

You may do this by activating an email to the parent. Within the student profile, add a parent email address to each student’s profile. For more information, see the section called Adding and Removing Student Accounts in the appropriate Getting Started Guide for your type of account. After the email address has been added, do the following:
  • While logged in to your Boardmaker Online Account on your computer, select My Account, then Student Access. 
  • Scroll down and Select Get Them Started. 
  • Your roster of students will appear. Select one or more students for whom to send the parent email. 
  • Scroll down and click Send Message. The student’s parent will receive a pre-formatted email, from you, with the information they need to log in to a computer and access their child’s assignments.