Bulk student account setup

octobre 01, 2018

First, you must gather your student account information and enter it into the provided Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Then, you can import the information on the spreadsheet into your student roster.

Set up Your Student Account Information

  1. Select Admin > Student Roster Management. The Student Roster Management page will open.
  2. At the bottom of the page, under Bulk Import, select Download Import Template
    Bulk import 
     A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet will download.
  3. Follow the instructions on the first sheet ("Instructions") to copy and paste (or manually enter) all of the student information into the correct columns on the worksheet. 
    Caution:  Do not modify the spreadsheet by adding or removing columns. 
    The required information that you MUST enter in the spreadsheet is:
    • Student ID
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Username- When picking usernames it’s best to use a regular pattern such as <first initial><last name>. In this example John Smith’s username would be jsmith.
    • Password - You cannot leave the password field blank when bulk importing students - it is a required field. The password must be at least 6 characters long and may consist of any combination of letters, numbers and/or special characters. Passwords are case sensitive. 
      Optional information that you can enter in the spreadsheet is 
    • Parent Email Address - This field is optional. If included, it will allow an instructor to send the student’s username and password to the parents from within the account.
    • Instructors - If you are doing a bulk import, you can have students automatically assigned to the correct Instructors by entering the ID for their Instructor into this column of the spreadsheet. (Instructor IDs are listed in the 3rd tab of the spreadsheet.)
    • District
    • School
    • Building
    • Classroom
  4. Save the roster spreadsheet in a convenient location where it can be easily accessed.

Import Your Student Accounts

  1. Select Admin > Student Roster Management. The Student Roster Management page will open.
  2. At the bottom of the page, under Bulk Import, select Browse
    Bulk import
  3. Browse for the student roster spreadsheet you saved in step 4 above (Set up Your Student Account Information).
  4. Select Upload Files. 
    Bulk import 
    The student roster files will upload, and a Bulk Import Summary will appear, giving specific information on the upload. 
    Bulk import Summary
  5. Select OK. The students you have imported will appear in your student roster.

Note: You can edit the profile of the imported student to make any changes to the student information and to upload a photo of the student.

Important!  Student login information should be provided to the student by the student’s instructor. Therefore the Admin who creates the student’s account needs to provide each instructor with a list of usernames and passwords for all of the instructor’s students. The simplest way to do that is to divide up the student roster spreadsheet by instructor and provide the relevant portion to each instructor. Care should be taken to keep passwords private.