can Indi™ be used together with PCEye eye trackers?

mai 23, 2017

We don’t recommending mounting a PCEye eye tracker to the Indi speech tablet.

Indi is intended for use by touch, switches or a head-mouse. It is technically possible, and you can do it at your own risk. However, Indi is specifically designed to be a light-weight, versatile touch device. The battery is not dimensioned for using an eye tracker, which means you will have a less than optimal experience. This is one of the reasons why don’t offer a mounting solution that fits the Indi, so you would need to make a custom solution which probably will be less practical and less durable than our gaze tablet solutions. The Tobii Dynavox I-Series devices have nifty features which make them great for use with eye tracking, such as the Wake-on-Gaze functionality, hot swappable powerful batteries, and a robust design with an integrated eye tracker. If your needs are covered by our peripheral PCEye trackers, we recommend using the PCEye Mini together with the EyeMobile Mini bracket and a Microsoft Surface Pro 4 tablet for an optimal mobile solution.