Community groups for district sharing

octobre 01, 2018

You can share activities within your district in one or more private groups on the Boardmaker Online community.

Create a group

From the Red Toolbar, Select the Community Tab and then Create a Group from the dropdown menu.

Fill in the form with Group Name, Description (optional), Photo (optional). Under Privacy, Select Make the Group Public to My Organization
Do not select either option under Permissions. This would add restrictions to who may share and join.
Select the red Create Group button at the bottom of the page. As the creator of the group, you are now a member.

For others in your organization to find and join the group

The instructor must log in to his or her Boardmaker Online Account.

Select the Community Tab from the Red Toolbar. Select Browse Groups.


Select ON for My Organization Only

The Group is now visible (ABC GROUP). Double Click on the Group Icon to open to Group Details.

Now it will appear in their groups when My Organization Only is ON.

To share activities within the group

Select My Boardmaker tab from the red toolbar to view your activity list. Scroll to the activity you wish to share.
Select Share Activity. Complete the information on the Update File page.


Under Privacy, Select My Organization Only. Under Availability, Check the Group Name that you wish to share with. Select UPDATE FILE at the bottom of the page.

For group members to access the shared activities

Select My Groups from the Community dropdown
Find your group and double click the icon.

The shared activities are now visible.

To add the activity to your own Activities List, Select the + icon in the yellow toolbar.