Finding a friend in the Boardmaker Community

octobre 01, 2018

Search the Boardmaker community to find friends...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

  1. Select Community > Browse Members. The Browse Members page will open. You can use the Search People search box at the top of the page to look for specific members, or you can use the drop-down list to sort members by Most Recently Active, by Name, or by Activities. 
     Browse Members 
     Note: District subscription administrators have the option of limiting their friend search to members of their organization. 
    Browse Members
  2. Select the profile photo of the member you want to invite. On the member page that opens, select Add As Friend. 
    Add as Friend

A friend request will be sent to the member you have indicated. When the member accepts your invitation, they will be added to your My Friends page.