How Do I Add Another Topic to my QuickPhrases Button in the Text-Based User?

juillet 27, 2016

1. Select the Modify button in the top right corner of the screen.


2.  On the dialog that opens, select Settings.

3. Select Page Browser.

4. Navigate to the Quick Phrases. folder and select it.

5. Select the Manage button at the top right corner of the screen.

6. Select the Quick Phrases folder.

7. Select the Manage button at the top right corner of the screen.

8.  Select an existing QuickPhrases–  page. We recommend using the Repairs Page.

9. Select the Copy To button on the button bar.


10.  Then select so that the page is copied to the same location.

11.  Select OK. The pageshould show up as a new page.

12. Select this page and then select Rename to give it the desired name.  (It would be best to keep the name similar to the other pages. Example: “QuickPhrases – Topic.”)

13. Select Done.

Now that this page exists, you can select it and then select Open to navigate to it and modify the phrases that are on the page.
You will notice that when you return to your Quick Phrases button that the folder for your new quick phrase does not appear. You will need to use the Page Browser to open every single Quick Phrases popup and modify the next button on that page to look like a folder, label it, and then link it to the new QuickPhrases page you made.

Following are the steps to modify a QuickPhrases popup:
1. Select the Modify button in the top right corner of the screen.


2.  On the dialog that opens, select Settings.

3. Select Page Browser.

4. Navigate to the Quick Phrases. folder and select it.

5. Select the Manage button at the top right corner of the screen.

6. Select the Quick Phrases folder.

7. Select the Manage button at the top right corner of the screen.

8. Select one of the existing Quick Phrase pages that is not the one your created.

9. Select Open.

10. Select the Modify button in the top right corner of the page.


11.  On the dialog that opens, select Settings,then Page browser, the page you wish to edit, then Editor

12. Select an empty button at the top next to your Quick Phrase folder.

13. Select the properties button at the top left corner of the button.

14, Enter a label.

15. Select the Style tab to change the color (Theme Style), and change the shape to a folder (Style Overrides).

16. Select the Content tab and select Edit next to Actions.

17.  Navigate to your QuickPhrasesFolder and select the new QuickPhrasespage you made.

Repeat these steps for each Popup  for quick phrases that you have; Greeting, Personal Needs, Feelings, Questions, Repairs. Each one is its own popup and will need to be edited to go to the new page.