How Do I Change a The Communication Keyboard Setting Within Compass?

juillet 13, 2018

If you are looking to change the settings for the communication keyboard within the Compass software, follow these steps:

1) Open Compass to your page set.

2) Depending on the page set you are using, either click the triangle in the top right corner of the page, then the settings gear or choose the settings gear from the navigation bar on your page.

Choose Settings

3) From the Settings page, choose the Levels option.

NOTE: The Levels button is only available in these page sets - ALL Access, Core First, Master Page, Nav Bar, Navigator, Stroke & Brain Injury Persona.

Levels Option

4) Choose the keyboard button in the "Configure Tools" options at the bottom of the Systems Levels page.

system Levels Keyboard Button
5) Select the new keyboard layout you want to use on the communication pages, then click done.

Select New Keyboard Option

6) Choose apply button at the top of the Systems Level page.

Choose Apply
7) Choose the keyboard button from the Communication page

Choose the Keyboard Button

8) Make sure the new keyboard layout appears under the keyboard button.

New Keyboard Layout Should Appear