How do I completely remove all components of the Windows Control software from a computer/device/tablet for the purpose of switching to the PC Eye Suite including Tobii Gaze Interaction Settings?

décembre 30, 2019

How do I completely remove all components of the Windows Control software from a computer/device/tablet for the purpose of switching to the PC Eye Suiteincluding Tobii Gaze Interaction Settings?

Please note that the only scenario for this is:

  1. With the PC Eye Mini eye tracker – users may switch the eye tracking software by completely removing the components of the current software and then installing what is needed. (Going from Windows Control (WC) to Tobii Gaze Interaction Settings (TGIS) or vice versa.)

To remove all components of the Windows Control software, please do the following:

  1. Right click the Windows Start Menu and select Search.
  2. Type control panel and press the Enterkey.
  3. If necessary, at upper right, next to View by, select the drop down menu and select Large icons.
  4. Select Programs and Features.
  5. Click the top of the Publishercolumn to sort the list by software publisher.
  6. One at a time, remove the following software components:
    1. Tobii Eye Tracking
    2. Tobii Dynavox Windows Control Language Packs
    3. Tobii Dynavox Virtual Remote
    4. Tobii Dynavox Windows Control
    5. Tobii Dynavox Virtual Remote Drivers
  7. Close the Programs and Features window.
  8. Right click the Windows Start Menu and select File Explorer.
  9. At left, select This PC.
  10. Double click Local Disk (C:).
  11. At top, select View.
  12. If necessary, select Hidden items to ensure it is checked.
  13. Double click ProgramData.
  14. Delete the TetServerfolder.
  15. At left, select This PC.
  16. Double click Local Disk (C:).
  17. Double click Users.
  18. Double click the folder that corresponds to the current OS user of the device.
  19. Double click AppData.
  20. Double click Roaming.
  21. Double click Tobii Dynavox.
  22. Delete the following folders:
    1. EyeAssist
    2. Gaze Selection
    3. Windows Control Bundle
  23. Reboot the computer.
  24. PC Eye Suiteincluding Tobii Gaze Interaction Settings may now be installed, as per normal, using .