How do I Determine Which Version of Content (pagesets/users) I Have in Compass?

juillet 27, 2016

For the Master Page, NavBar, and Stroke & Brain Injury Persona pagesets, you can find this information in the Levels settings:

1.  Select the Modify button in the top right corner of the screen.


2.  On the dialog that opens, select Settings.

3.  Select Levels.

The version number and pageset name will appear in the lower right-hand corner of the page.


For the Wordpower and Text-Based Pagesets, this information will appear on the .Start page of the .Setup Wizardfolder:

1.  Select the Modify button in the top right corner of the screen.


2.  On the dialog that opens, select Settings.


3.  Select Page Browser.


4.  Navigate to the .Setup Wizard folder.

5. Select and open the .Start page.

The version number and pageset name will appear in the lower left-hand corner of the page.
