How Do I Get My Accessible or Join-In Apps to Install or Work Correctly?

février 18, 2021

To Install Accessible (Join-In) Apps - Not Present That Should Be

Complete these steps on I-13/I-16 devices that do not have the Accessible (Join-In) Apps and Communicator 5 Page Sets installed when they are expected to be – for example, on devices that were originally shipped as locked (purchased through medical insurance) and the customer subsequently purchases the unlock.

Please do the following:

  1. Exit completely out of Communicator 5.
  2. Navigate to:
  3. Download both the Join-In Installer and the Join-In Pagesets.
  4. Install the Join-In Installer (Join-In_Installer_1.2.6.1.exe) --first!
  5. Install the Join-In Pagesets (Join-In_Page_Sets_1.3.4.8.exe) --second!

To Fix Improper Working Accessible (Join-In) Apps

Please complete the following when the Accessible (Join-In) Apps do not launch/open properly. For example, on an I-13/I-16 device, they open to a screen that prompts you to login and/or the screen that you are expecting to see simply is never displayed properly.

Please do the following:
  1. Exit completely out of Communicator 5.
  2. From the Windows Start Menu, select the Windows Settings Gear icon.
  3. Select Apps.
  4. Uninstall Join-In Page Sets.
  5. Uninstall Join-In.
  6. Navigate to:
  7. Download both the Join-In Installer and the Join-In Pagesets.
  8. Install the Join-In Installer (Join-In_Installer_1.2.6.1.exe) --first!
  9. Install the Join-In Pagesets (Join-In_Page_Sets_1.3.4.8.exe) --second!