How do I license my Join-In Accessible Apps?

août 04, 2021

Join-In Accessible Apps for Communicator do not need to be licensed on I-13, I-16, and computers with PCEye5.  If you have one of these products and are asked to enter a license, please contact technical support or uninstall/reinstall the Join-In Installer.

The Join-In Accessible Apps will work with any device that has Communicator 5.5.6 or newer. Please bear in mind that the performance of the apps is dictated by the device itself, so if Communicator 5 is a bit sluggish already then the apps would also exhibit poor performance.  If the Accessible Apps are purchased for they will require licensing.  You will need to enter your license purchased from Tobii Dynavox.  (If you purchased a license or subscription from d-bur instead of Tobii Dynavox, please contact them for help.)  
Follow the instructions below to enter your license from Tobii Dynavox.

  1. Close Communicator.
  2. From the Start Button choose Join-In
  3. Select License Manager
  4. Enter the license you received from Tobii Dynavox
  5. Select Activate License.  You should get a message stating that your license was activated successfully.
  6. Close the License Manager and open Communicator.  You can now run your Join-In Accessible Pagesets.  They are found under Add-On Products under Text Communication when you view All Pagesets.