How to add a Day, Date and Time button within the Compass Software

avril 20, 2017

How to add a Day, Date and Time button to a page within the Compass software. This example is using the Compass software on a windows computer.
      1. Log into your account via a web browser. Access the Pageset Central, pageset sharing website. Enter Date in the Search field on the left search box, put a check mark in the Compass option. You will have two options.
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      2.  Use the Download option shown in the above picture. this will download a Compass package to your computer. Normally this will download to the downloads folder within your computer. If you have changed where downloads are directed, please make a note of where they are.
      3. Within compass Access the settings icon and select the page browser. Select the up arrow to get to the top level. Select the manage option in the right  corner.
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      4. Select the import option. Select the local Device option. Use the up arrow to Navigate your Pc's files and find the individual time date and day.pak or Date-Time Button.pak you previously downloaded.
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      5. With the Pak selected, choose the Green Select in the upper right corner. The page will be imported into the page browser.
      6. Select the Green done in the upper right corner.
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      7. Determine which day, date, time button you would like to put onto an existing page. To view the page, select it in the Page browser and choose open.

The one named time button looks like this.
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The one named individual time date and day looks like this.

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Note: In this example the time button is being put on the dashboard. You have to edit the dashboard first so the button is visible.
Use the edit button on the bottom right of the dashboard. User-added image
Checkmark buttons to be visible.
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Select the X in the top right of the screen to save the changes.

Next copy the desired button from this page to the destination page.
      1. Use the page browser to navigate to the page with the date and time button needed. With the desired button visible on a page, access the settings option and the editor option. Note: they willnotlook the same when in the editor mode. Do not attempt to fix or change them.

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Select your button and select the arrow next to the edit option across the top and choose copy.
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Next load the desired page the button will be placed. Use the tools across the top and choose, file and open.
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Navigate to the desired page, or in this example the dashboard.
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Choose the green select in the top right corner.
Use the tools across the top and choose Edit and Paste to paste the button. Drag it to the position desired.
Select Exit and Save.