How to Backup and Restore Locally

juillet 27, 2016

You can backup and restore your user file locally - to a folder on your T10 or to a USB drive.

1. Select the Settings button in the Toolbar.

Note: If the Toolbar is hidden, first select the Modify Button kA1G00000008tnKKAQ_en_US_1_1 at the top right corner of your screen and then choose Settings.

2. Select Backup/Restorefrom the Settings menu.

Backup Locally

(If you are backing up to a USB drive, insert the Micro USB OTG Adapter (included with the T10 device) into the micro USB port on your T10. Then plug the USB drive into the adapter.)


1.Select the Backup Locallybutton.
2.On the screen that opens, select a destination directory. 

Note: The default location is a folder called "backups," which is located on the device.

3.  Use the arrow button at the upper left of the screen to move up through the layers of directories.


4.  Select a directory in which to save your backup file.
5.  Select the green Selectbutton in the top right corner of the screen.
6.  Enter a name for your backup file in the text box. (It’s a good idea to include the date in the file name.)
7.  Select OK.

Restore Locally

(If you are restoring from a USB drive, insert the Micro USB OTG Adapter into the micro USB port on your T10. Then plug the USB drive into the adapter.)

1.  Select the RestoreLocally button. The Select Backup File screen will open, displaying all of the backup files in the "backups" folder, which is the default..
2.  Locate the file you want to restore. If necessary, use the arrow button at the upper left of the screen to move up through the layers of directories or locate the file on your USB drive.
3.  Select the backup file you want to restore.
4.  Select the green Selectbutton in the top right corner of the screen.
5.  Select OK.  A progress bar will appear, and the device will restart.