How to Backup Saved Activities on a Chromebook before Uninstalling

juillet 27, 2021

When uninstalling the Boardmaker 7 Editor from your Chromebook all saved files get removed. Please view the below steps prior to uninstalling in order back up those files. Once reinstalled these steps will also explain how to restore those files. 

  1. Open the Files app on your Chromebook
  2. Expand the Boardmaker 7 Editor Folder
  3. Open a second instance of the Files App and create a new folder called Boardmaker Back Up in a location outside of the Boardmaker 7 Editorfolder, for ex. in your Google Drive
  4. In the Boardmaker 7 Editorfolder, select all individual files and folders
  5. Copy your selections and paste them into your Boardmaker Back Up folder
  6. Uninstall Boardmaker 7 Editorby doing the following:
    1. Open the Play Store
    2. Select in the search bar and search for Boardmaker 7 Editor
    3. Select Boardmaker 7 Editorin the list of results
    4. Select Uninstall button
    5. In the confirmation window, select Uninstall
  7. With the Play Store window still open, select Install on the Boardmaker 7 Editorpage
  8. After installation is complete, open the Boardmaker 7 Editor application but do not add licensing information or sign in
  9. Close the application
  10. Open the Files app and navigate to your Boardmaker Back Upfolder and open it
  11. Go back to the Files app, and open a new window
  12. Navigate to the Boardmaker 7 Editorfolder and open it
  13. Arrange the two windows so they are side by side
  14. In your Boardmaker Back Upfolder open the Activitiesfolder and copy and paste each individual file and folder that shows within the Activitiesfolder into the corresponding Boardmaker 7 Editor Activitiesfolder
  15. Repeat Step 14 to copy the rest of the individual files and folders from your Boardmaker Back Upfolder into the corresponding Boardmaker 7 Editor Templates, Media, appcenter,and errorsfolders
    1. NOTE: Make sure you are copying the Activitiesfiles and folders into Activities,Templatesfiles and folders into Templates, etc.
  16. Copy any other individual files and folders you may have from Boardmaker Back Up to your Boardmaker 7 Editorfolder
  17. Launch Boardmaker 7 Editor