How to Backup to and Restore Compass from

juillet 27, 2016

1. Select the Settings button in the Toolbar.


Note: If the Toolbar is hidden, first select the Modify Button  kA1G00000008tnPKAQ_en_US_1_1at the top right corner of your screen.

2. Select Backup/Restore from the Settings menu.

Backup to

1.  Select the Backup to button.

2.  If you are prompted, sign in to your account by entering your username and password.

3.  Enter a name (and, optionally, a description) for your backup file in the text box. (It’s a good idea to include the date in the file name.)

4.  Select OK

Restore from

1.  Select the Restore from button

2.  If prompted, sign in to your account by entering your username and password.

3.  The Select Backup File screen will open. Select the backup file you want to restore.  If necessary, use the arrow button at the upper left of the screen to move up through the layers of directories.

4.  Select the green Selectbutton in the top right corner of the screen.

5.  Select OK. A progress bar will appear, and the device will restart.