How to configure Yahoo Email for Communicator 5 since the removal of less secure apps setting in Yahoo

mars 09, 2020

For access to Yahoo email in Communicator you must set up an application Password.  Please follow the instructions below.

You must first set up your app password by following these instructions.

  1. Sign in and go to your Account security page.
  2. If you have a Yahoo Account Key, please make sure to disable it.
  3. Enable Two-step verification and enter your mobile number.  You will only need to do this once.
  4. Once you are sent the text message, enter the verification code in the space they provide and choose Verify.
  5. Once you receive the Success! screen, choose Create app passwords.
  6. Drop down the Select your app box and choose Other App
  7. Type Communicator into the text box and choose Generate.  Note this password so you can use it in the steps below.  Do not include the spaces.

Now that your app password is set up you can either refer to the Communicator Getting Started Guide to set up email or follow the steps below.
  1. In Advanced Settings choose the Applications tab.
  2. Select E-mail
  3. Choose New...
  4. Select Yahoo and choose Next
  5. Give your email a name, fill in the E-mail address, and for Password type in the app password that you created when you followed the instructions in the link above.
  6. Choose Finish