How to Create Custom Onscreen Keyboards

octobre 01, 2018

IMPORTANT!  Before you can create custom keyboards, you must first have installed Compass 1.3 or later and the Onscreen Keyboard 1.1 application on your T10 device. Step-by-step instructions for downloading and installing the Onscreen Keyboard application can be found in the Documentation area of

1.  In the Compass software you must create all five keyboards and add them to the root directory of the Page Browser to be used inside the Android OS, and the keyboards must be named as follows:
  • TextKeyboard
  • InternetKeyboard
  • DatetimeKeyboard
  • NumberKeyboard
  • TelephoneKeyboard
NOTE: Keyboard names are case sensitive.
NOTE: The different names indicate what type of text fields in Android will cause that keyboard to be displayed.  For example, a text field on a Web form in the browser may cause the InternetKeyboard to open.
2.  On each page, the following must be true:
  • Buttons on the page that you wish to pass information to the Android app should have an InsertKey() or InsertText() action.
  • Each page should have a Done Button that uses the CloseKeyboard(“SubmitText”) action.
  • The page should NOThave a Message Window, as this may cause issues when sending text to the Android app.
3.  Once you have completed all five pages, go to Settings > Page Browser, in your Compass software.

4.  Select Manage.

5.  Select all five keyboards you have created.

6.  Select Export.

7.  Select the directory in which you would like to save the file.

NOTE: You can save to your mytobiidynavox account if you would like.

8.  Press Select.

9.  Enter “Keyboards” in the text field of the Export File Name dialog.

10.  Select OK.

11.  Select the “Home” Android button to return to the Android desktop.

12.  Go to Settings > Language & Input.

13.  In the right pane, select the Settings icon next to Onscreen Keyboard. (See the illustration below.)


14.  When the Onscreen Keyboard app opens, select Backup/Restore.

15.  Then select Import.


16.  Find and select your .pak file.

17.  Select Import.


18.  Select Yes on the dialog that appears.

Congratulations!  Your Android keyboards have now been replaced.