It is not Recommended To Factory Reset the Tobii Dynavox T-10, T-7 or T-15 unless instructed to do so by Technical Support

juillet 27, 2016

It is not recommend  to perform a Factory Reset in the Android Operating System on any of the T-Series devices. These include
T-10, T-7 and T-15. . If a Factory reset was performed below are the states your device will be in and the steps to fix it.

Depending on the age of the T-Series device you will have different outcomes that can occur.
After a factory reset.....


  • Compass will still be in the Android system and it  will be current version.To check if you needupdated. Access the Settings Menu. Select Help and check for updates. Make sure you are connected to a wifi network and you are not being blocked from your network provider.
  •  All data will be gone. There are no pages within the Compass App and there are no Backups to restore from locally. All voices will be gone
  •  To fix:  Restore from a Backup that was stored on an USB drive or connect to your account. Restore a  standard backup or one you have saved previously.
  •  Connect to your account and install voices. In the settings menu access the Voice settings menu. Access the Download and Manage Voices. Select a Voice to install. Use the Green Install button.

  • Compass will still be in the Android system but it is anolder version than what is considered the latest released version. To check if you need updated. Access the Settings Menu. Select Help and check for updates. Make sure you are connected to a wifi network and you are not being blocked from your network provider.
  •   All data will be gone. There are no pages within the Compass App and there are no Backups to restore from locally. All voices will be gone.
  • Upgrade the Compass software to the most recent released version. Make sure you are connected to the internet via a  WiFi network. Access the Settings menu. Select Help and select the Red Get Update.
  • Restore from a Backup that was stored on an USB drive or connect to your account. Restore a  standard backup or one you have saved previously.
  • Connect to your account and install voices. In the settings menu access the Voice settings  menu. Access the Download and Manage Voices. Select a Voice to install. Use the Green Install button.

  • Compass is not installedAll data is gone. There are no Backups to restore from locally. All voices will be gone.
  •          To fix: A return authorization will need to be setup with Tobiidynavox technical support. The device needs to be imaged and  firmware updates performed.

             If you are receiving errors that Surelock has prevented you from completing your task or that Surelock is in a trail mode. 
                                                    contact technical support to remedy the Surelock program.