Managing student assignment lists

octobre 01, 2018

Please note this article applies only to Professional and District subscription accounts.

When you assign an activity to a student, the activity is automatically added to the student’s assignment list. Activities are displayed in the order they are assigned - with the most recently assigned activity at the top of the list.

Reordering Activities

When your student logs into the Boardmaker Student Center, the activities you have assigned him or her will be displayed in the same order as they are listed on the student’s assignment list (under the Assignments tab on the Student Profile page). You can easily change the order in which the assigned activities are displayed.

Simply select an activity or activity set and drag it to a new position, and then drop it. (In the illustration below, the activity in position one on the list is being dragged to position two.


Delete an Activity

To delete an activity from a student’s assignment list simply open the student’s assignment list, and select the Remove Activity button next to the activity thumbnail.

A confirmation dialog will open. Select Remove.