Master Page Pageset - Can I Add the Word Lists Shortcut to the Toolbar?

juillet 27, 2016

1.  Select the Settings button in the toolbar.

Note: If the Toolbar is hidden, first select the Modify Button kA1G0000000A0IyKAK_en_US_1_1 at the top right corner of your screen, then Settings.

2.  Select Toolbar Editor.

3.  Select Manage at top right.


4.  Select New Button.


The Toolbar Button dialog will open.


5.  Next to Name, enter "Word Lists".

6.  Next to Icon, select Browse.
7.  Select the Word Lists icon (little notebook). kA1G0000000A0IyKAK_en_US_1_5

8.  Next to Command, select the drop-down arrow, then select Open Page,then, next to Page, select Browse.

9.  Navigate to the Word Lists folder, select the Word List Menu page, thenchoose the green Select button at the top right.

10.  Select Save on the Toolbar Button dialog.

11. Select the green Done button at the top right of your screen.