Run Sensory Eye-FX Games Off TC Button

juillet 31, 2016

To run a Sensory Eye-FX game off a button in TC you select the button, go to button actions

-> Add Run Progam action
 -> Browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Sensory Guru\Sensory Eye-FX
   -> open the folder containing the game you want
    -> Change filter from .exe to all files in the bottom right corner
     -> Select the Windows Command Script (.cmd) file named after your game.
Then go to Start In Folder and browse back to C:\Program Files (x86)\Sensory Guru\Sensory Eye-FX and select the game folder again. 
Then you can hit ok to finish adding the command and ok again to exit button actions. When in run view hitting that button will now launch the Sensory EyeFX game of your choice. Be careful as these require Windows Control Mouse Emulation and are difficult to leave without hitting the escape key or the third button down on the left physical side of an I-series.