Starting your own group

octobre 01, 2018

You can create your own group, make it public or private, add and share activities, and invite other members of the Boardmaker Online community to join.

Create Your New Group

  1. Select Community > Create a Group. The Create a Group  page will open. 
    Create a Group
  2. In the Group Name text box, enter a name for your new group.
  3. In the Description text box, enter a brief description of your new group’s purpose.
  4. Upload a profile photo (Group Photo).
  5. Select privacy settings (public or private) and permissions for inviting friends and for sharing activities. 
    Note:  A public group is open to all members of the Boardmaker Online community. A private group is available only to people you invite.
  6. Select Create Group.
A message will appear indicating that your new group was created successfully.

Invite Friends to Join Your Group

  1. From the My Groups page (Community > My Groups), select the thumbnail for your group. The Group Details page will open.
  2. Select Invite Member. 
    Group Details 
    The New Members dialog will open.
  3. Select the check boxes next to the profile photos of your Boardmaker community friends that you would like to invite, and select Add.
  4. Select Send. Invitations will be sent to those people you have designated.

Edit Group Settings

At any time, you can edit the description of your group, change the profile photo, and change the privacy and permission settings.
  1. From the My Groups page (Community > My Groups), select the thumbnail for your group. The Group Details page will open.
  2. Select the Settings button. 
    Group Details 
    The Group Settings page will open.
  3. Make the changes you want to any information on the page.
  4. Select Save Updates.