Upload activities you have created

octobre 01, 2018

If you have created activities using Boardmaker versions 5 or 6 or Boardmaker Studio, the activities you have created can be uploaded to Boardmaker Online. The files you upload will be available on your Activities List. You have the option of sharing these activities with the whole Boardmaker community, keeping them private, or sharing them with a group.

  1. On your Homepage, select Upload Activities from the Get Started...section. 
    My Homepage. Upload Activites 
    The Upload Your Activities page will open. 
    You can also access the Upload Your Activities page by selecting the My Boardmaker tab to open your My Boardmaker page and then selecting Upload Activity or by selecting Activities > Upload Activity at the top of any page 
    Browse Button at Top of Upload Your Activities Page 
    Upload an activity
  2. Select Browse. The Upload File dialog will open. 
    Upload File
  3. Select the Select button and search for the file that you want to upload.
  4. Select the Upload button. When the file has uploaded, you will be returned to the Upload Your Activities page. 
    Note: You must create a board package (.zip or .zbp file) if you want to share multiple .bm2 boards for one activity. (All Boardmaker Studio activities are single files.) 
    Upload Your Activities Page - Top Section 
    Upload an Activity
  5. (Optional) Change the file name in the Title text box.
  6. (Optional) Enter a short description of the file in the Description text box.
  7. Choose a language from the drop-down list.
  8. Designate to whom you want the file to be available. Use the Privacy drop-down list to choose whether the file will be available to everyone or only to yourself.
  9. If the activity is designed for scanning, under Accessibility, select the Designed for Scanning check box. 
    Upload Your Activities Page - Center Section  
     Upload Your Activities Page - Center Section  
  10. Select the Associate Standards button to open the Manage Standards dialog and choose from a list of educational standards to apply to the activity.
  11. In the Availability area, select the check boxes next to any groups with which you want to share the file.
  12. Select the applicable check box(es) to select the grade level(s) for the activity. 
    Upload Your Activities Page - Bottom Section
    Upload Your Activities Page - Bottom Section 
  13. In the Categorization area, select the applicable check boxes
  14. Enter some keywords in the Tags text box to be used to describe the activity to other users. 
    Note: Enter one or more tags to help other users find the activity in a search. If you enter more than one tag, then enter a comma (,) to separate them. For example, in the Baby Animals Matching Game, the tags are: game, matching, concentration, memory, animals, baby animals, and animal babies.
  15. Select Save & Continue. 

    The activity will upload. When it has completed, a message will open stating that processing is complete. 
    Processing of your Activity is Complete
  16. Select Finish.