What selection options are available in Windows Control?

novembre 16, 2017

Windows Control selection settings can be modified and adjusted within the Activation and Feedback settings.

A user who can utilize a switch along with eye tracking may be able to get more consistent and accurate results by using a switch for activation.


Activation Method

Changes the activation method for gaze interaction.
Dwell: Selects your current option when you hold your gaze on it long enough.
Switch: Selects your current option when an external button or switch is pressed.

Dwell Settings

Windows Control Activation and Feedback settings.

Button Dwell Time: The amount of time that the user must hold their gaze on an object before it is activated.
Keyboard Dwell Time: The amount of time that the user must hold their gaze on a keyboard button before it is activated.
Look Away Before Reselecting: When activated, the user cannot select the same object twice without looking away first, preventing repeated selections of the same option.
Limit Eye Gaze Buttons: Restricts Windows Control to only work with Tobii Dynavox applications.

Switch Settings

User-added image
Minimum Click Duration: The amount of time that the user must press the switch before it makes a selection.
Duration Between Clicks: The amount of "dead time" that Windows Control waits before allowing further switch input.
Look Away Before Reselecting: When activated, the user cannot select the same object twice without looking away first, preventing repeated selections of the same option.
Limit Eye Gaze Buttons: Restricts Windows Control to only work with Tobii Dynavox applications.

Feedback Settings

Windows Control Feedback settings.
Feedback Type: Allows changing between a rotating clock, a shrinking dot, or no feedback.
Feedback Color: Adjust the color of the feedback dot.
Feedback Size: Adjust the size of the feedback dot.