What should I keep in mind when preparing to print a board in Boardmaker Version 6?

octobre 31, 2019

There are hundreds of different types, makes, and models of printers. Because of this fact, a board that prints correctly on one computer-printer combination may need to be adjusted to print correctly on another.

Here are a few facts to keep in mind when preparing to print a board:

• A printer cannot use the entire piece of paper. There is typically a 1/4 to 1/2 inch margin along each edge of the paper that cannot be used.
• Because the unprintable margin size may vary on different printers, boards that contain content close to the margin may not fit to a single piece of paper on all printers.
• The maximum size board you can create is 60" x 60" (150 cm x 150 cm).
• The boards you create are very graphics intensive. They may take a long time to print, especially on older computers or printers.
• Most printing problems are related to your printer’s driver software. Make sure you are using the most current driver. (Updates are available on most manufacturers’ web sites.)